for our products
Our general offer, contractually specified, is described hereafter.
Depending on volumes and customer needs, outside Europe, it may be supported in partnership with local actors, approved after a technical qualification course.
8 ways
to give you support
Training programs
- Use,
- First level maintenance,
- Edition of exchange documents between the client and COSE (e. g. technical facts),
Periodic training programs can accompany team renewals.
- Preventive and curative maintenance of equipment,
- Monitoring of equipment airworthiness, associated configuration management, document management
- Technical facts management.
Document subscriptions
- Bulletin Services, Information and security letters, Supplements to Aircraft Manuals, security.
- Configuration management
- Updates of all documents dealing with airworthiness.
Telephone and e-mail assistance
- Available every working day.
- Up to 24/7/365 on-call service.
- Languages: French, English, Arabic and Spanish.
Technical assistance
The company can send engineers and technicians to its customers for expertise, integration, ground/flight tests or technical support.
Spare stock and customer stock management
On request, in order to respond immediately to AOG requests, COSE can manages stocks of LRUs and equipment belonging to its customers.
For these materials, requests are processed the same day with carriers adapted to the customer, the country and the situation.
Monitoring and processing of obsolescence
From system specification to service retirement, the life cycle of our products is fully specified. With operational life cycles exceeding 15 years, COSE ensures the monitoring and treatment of obsolescence and, when necessary, compliance with the regulations that govern our products.
Products delivered to the French forces have been maintained and upgraded for more than 20 years and integrated successively on several types of aircraft.
NATO Codification
The armed forces can access all COSE LRUs through NATO databases.